
WordPress Shift Scheduling Plugin

WordPress API

Since version 4.8.4.

ShiftController provides a number of WordPress filters to query and update its shifts database.

Get Shifts

shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/get (array $params) : array | WP_Error


calendar_id (Calendar Id)
employee_id (Employee Id)
from (From Date, YYYYMMDD / From Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM)
to (To Date, YYYYMMDD / To Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM)
status_id (publish, draft)

Optional Arguments since version 4.9.22.

You have custom fields, you can also pass in their names and values to filter the results.


$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/get', array() );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$shifts = $res;
$params = array();
$params['calendar_id'] = 11;
$params['from'] = 20210224;
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/get', $params );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$shifts = $res;
$params = array();
$params['calendar_id'] = 11;
$params['from'] = '202102240900';
$params['to'] = '202102241430';
$params['status_id'] = 'draft';
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/get', $params );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$shifts = $res;

Since version 4.9.22.

$params = array();
$params['calendar_id'] = 11;
$params['misc123'] = 'CustomFieldValue';
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/get', $params );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$shifts = $res;

Get Shift

shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/getbyid ( $id ) : array | WP_Error


$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/getbyid', 123 );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$shift = $res;

Delete Shift

shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/deletebyid ( $id ) : null | WP_Error


$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/deletebyid', 123 );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );

Create Shift

shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/create ( array $values ) : int | WP_Error


calendar_id (Calendar Id)
employee_id (Employee Id)
start (Start Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM)
end (End Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM)
status_id (publish, draft)
conflict (Set to 1 to allow creation of shifts with conflicts) optional

If you have custom fields in this calendar, then you can add them too as miscXXX where XXX is the field id (see Administration > Calendars > Custom Fields):


Returns the new shift id on success.


$values = array();
$values['calendar_id'] = 11;
$values['employee_id'] = 22;
$values['start'] = '202102240800';
$values['end'] = '202102241430';
$values['status_id'] = 'publish';
// if you have custom fields
$values['misc11'] = 'orange';
$values['misc12'] = 321;
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/create', $values );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$newId = $res;

Update Shift

shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/updatebyid ( int $id, array $values ) : null | WP_Error


calendar_id (Calendar Id) optional
employee_id (Employee Id) optional
start (Start Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM) optional
end (End Date Time, YYYYMMDDHHMM) optional
status_id (publish, draft) optional
conflict (Set to 1 to allow creation of shifts with conflicts) optional

If you have custom fields in this calendar, then you can add them too as miscXXX where XXX is the field id (see Administration > Calendars > Custom Fields):



$values = array();
$values['start'] = '202102240900';
$values['end'] = '202102241530';
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/updatebyid', 123, $values );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$values = array();
$values['employee_id'] = 23;
// if you have custom fields
$values['misc11'] = 'green';
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/updatebyid', 123, $values );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );
$values = array();
$values['status_id'] = 'publish';
$res = apply_filters( 'shiftcontroller4/api/shifts/updatebyid', 123, $values );
if( is_wp_error($res) ) exit( $res->get_error_message() );

Listen To ShiftController Events

Shift Draft Created

Shift Published

Shift Unpublished

Shift Employee Changed

Shift Calendar Changed

Shift Rescheduled

shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::draft::after ( int $id, array $args )
shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::publish::after ( int $id, array $args )
shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::unpublish::after ( int $id, array $args )
shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::changeemployee::after ( int $id, array $args )
shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::changecalendar::after ( int $id, array $args )
shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::reschedule::after ( int $id, array $args )


add_action( 'shiftcontroller4/sh4/shifts/command::publish::after', function( $id, $args ){
	$shift = $args[0];

	$startAt = $shift->getStart();
	$endAt = $shift->getEnd();

	$calendar = $shift->getCalendar();
	$calendarId = $calendar->getId();

	$employee = $shift->getEmployee();
	$employeeId = $employee->getId();

	$f = ShiftController4::$instance->root();
	$appQuery = $f->make( 'SH4_App_Query' );
	$user = $appQuery->findUserByEmployee( $employee );
	if( $user ){
		$wpUserId = $user->getId();
		// get what you need for the wordpress user
	else {
		// no user linked to ShiftController employee
}, 10, 3 );